About faculty

The Faculty of Technological Engineering and Industrial Management was founded as early as 1949 when, at the Institute of Mechanics in Brașov, the specializations ‘Tools, devices and apparata’ and ‘Machine tools’ were founded, from whose merger, the specialization ‘Machine Construction Technology’ resulted in 1953. A decade later, in 1964, this specialization lent its name to a new faculty, detached from the Faculty of Mechanics and named the Faculty of Machine Construction Technology. In 1994 the name changed to the Faculty of Technological Engineering, and then, reflecting the quantitative and qualitative expansion of the field ‘Engineering and management’, in 2010 the name changed again, currently being named the Faculty of Technological Engineering and Industrial Management.

The faculty has got modern infrastructure used for both teaching and scientific research, with its own spaces for teaching and research. The spaces destined to the didactic activity organized as specific laboratories are adequately equipped, as the conditions and the necessary equipment for teaching adapted to the level of the current requirements are met. The special conditions for scientific research are noteworthy, due to the two research departments of the faculty (D05A - Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Systems, and D05B - Economic Engineering and Production Systems), located in the new headquarters of the Research and Development Institute, High-Tech Products for Sustainable Development. The faculty collaborates and has signed bilateral contracts with over 50 European higher education institutions from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Great Britain, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain. In the European projects, there is a continuous flow of students and teachers who benefit from scholarships for training or enhancement internships in the European partner institutions, as well as students and teaching from these institutions who study or teach in our faculty.

The Quality Management System (ISO 9001) is implemented in the faculty and in the university, which provides the background for a continuous improvement of the teaching process performance. In 2012, Transilvania University of Brașov was subjected to institutional evaluation according to the procedure of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), an evaluation which ended by the university’s being awarded the high degree of confidence status, which, as the ARACIS letter states ‘reflects the value of the results from the teaching, research, university management and international cooperation activity, as well as from the activity of improving the quality of education in accordance with the European standards’.

Dean’s message

Dear candidates,


