Engineering and Industrial Management

From a didactic point of view, the Department of Engineering and Industrial Management (IMI) coordinates three undergraduate programmes and a master's programme in two domains. In the postgraduate training represented by the PhD, 6 doctoral supervisors from the IMI department cover 2 priority fields - Industrial Engineering and Engineering and Management.

Members of the Council of the Department of Engineering and Industrial Management:

  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. EC. Flavius Aurelian SÂRBU - Head of Department
  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Adriana FLORESCU
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Cristina GĂVRUȘ
  • • Lecturer Dr. Eng. Magdalena BARBU
  • • Lecturer Dr. Eng. Ioana Mădălina PETRE
Office hours:

Tuesdays, 12.00 – 14.00, room VI08 - HIBROM
Appointments at Phone no.: 0268.477113 or 0268.412921/187 or by e-mail:

Members of the Department of Engineering and Industrial Management:

Doctoral supervisors:

Industrial Engineering

  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Gheorghe Romeo CIOARĂ
  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Andrea Cătălina DEACONESCU
  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Tudor Ion DEACONESCU

Engineering and Management

  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mircea BOȘCOIANU
  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Adriana FLORESCU
  • • Prof. Dr. Eng. Gavrilă CALEFARIU